Congratulations, you have completed online lessons


You have just completed our online lessons which represent the basic part of our "Drugs e-Learning" project. The site contains many more sections, which will enrich your knowledge:


COMICS We offer you situations and problems, connected with drugs. Try to solve them!
PRESENTATION You can see and download our multimedia presentation “Drugs”.
FUN If you want to relax you can take part in our contest or enjoy our jokes connected with drugs.
CURIOUS If you want to learn more about the history of drugs, curious facts and celebrities who died because of the use of drugs.
GALLERY In the photo gallery you can see different types of drugs.
GUESTS This Cyberspace is created specially for your ideas and wishes. In it you can enrich our site with information, stories, jokes, photos, pictures, games, clips and everything connected with drugs.

All the sections of “Drugs e-Learning” are accessible from the site’s HOME PAGE, as well.


This site will answer many of your questions about drugs


All rights reserverd by the Drugs e-Learning Team

All drawings, animations, photos (exc. the photos in the Gallery), video clips and the music are created, edited and composed by the authors of the Drugs e-Learning site. Up-to-date information was selected from many sources (books, web sites, interviews, etc.), analyzed and edited by the team of students and teachers. You can download the website and presentation, to use or redistribute them, without commercial purpouses, quoting the autors. Graphical elements from the website can be used with the agreement of the autors.

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