Drugs Photo Gallery


Alcohol #1
Alcohol #2
Alcohol #3
Alcohol #4
Alcohol #5
Alcohol #6
Alcohol #7
Alcohol #8
Amphetamine top
Amphetamine #1
Amphetamine #2
Amphetamine #3
Amphetamine #4
Amphetamine #5
Amphetamine #6
Amphetamine #7
Amphetamine #8
Anabolic steroids top
Anabolic steroids #1
Anabolic steroids #2
Anabolic steroids #3
Anabolic steroids #4
Anabolic steroids #5
Anabolic steroids #6
Anabolic steroids #7
Anabolic steroids #8
Caffeine top
Caffeine #1
Caffeine #2
Caffeine #3
Caffeine #4
Caffeine #5
Caffeine #6
Caffeine #7
Caffeine #8
Cannabis top
Cannabis #1
Cannabis #2
Cannabis #3
Cannabis #4
Cannabis #5
Cannabis #6
Cannabis #7
Cannabis #8
Cocaine & Crack top
Cocaine & Crack #1
Cocaine & Crack #2
Cocaine & Crack #3
Cocaine & Crack #4
Cocaine & Crack #5
Cocaine & Crack #6
Cocaine & Crack #7
Cocaine & Crack #8
Depressants - Tranquillizers top
Depressants - Tranquillizers #1
Depressants - Tranquillizers #2
Depressants - Tranquillizers #3
Depressants - Tranquillizers #4
Depressants - Tranquillizers #5
Depressants - Tranquillizers #6
Depressants - Tranquillizers #7
Depressants - Tranquillizers #8
Ecstasy top
Ecstasy #1
Ecstasy #2
Ecstasy #3
Ecstasy #4
Ecstasy #5
Ecstasy #6
Ecstasy #7
Ecstasy #8
Heroin top
Heroin #1
Heroin #2
Heroin #3
Heroin #4
Heroin #5
Heroin #6
Heroin #7
Heroin #8
Inhalants - Solvents top
Inhalants - Solvents #1
Inhalants - Solvents #2
Inhalants - Solvents #3
Inhalants - Solvents #4
Inhalants - Solvents #5
Inhalants - Solvents #6
Inhalants - Solvents #7
Inhalants - Solvents #8
LSD top
LSD #1
LSD #2
LSD #3
LSD #4
LSD #5
LSD #6
LSD #7
LSD #8
Magic Mushrooms top
Magic Mushrooms #1
Magic Mushrooms #2
Magic Mushrooms #3
Magic Mushrooms #4
Magic Mushrooms #5
Magic Mushrooms #6
Magic Mushrooms #7
Magic Mushrooms #8
Tobacco - Nicotine top
Tobacco - Nicotine #1
Tobacco - Nicotine #2
Tobacco - Nicotine #3
Tobacco - Nicotine #4
Tobacco - Nicotine #5
Tobacco - Nicotine #6
Tobacco - Nicotine #7
Tobacco - Nicotine #8

The photos in the gallery have been collected from different sources and used within the bounds of license agreements for web publication and modification.




All rights reserverd by the Drugs e-Learning Team

All drawings, animations, photos (exc. the photos in the Gallery), video clips and the music are created, edited and composed by the authors of the Drugs e-Learning site. Up-to-date information was selected from many sources (books, web sites, interviews, etc.), analyzed and edited by the team of students and teachers. You can download the website and presentation, to use or redistribute them, without commercial purpouses, quoting the autors. Graphical elements from the website can be used with the agreement of the autors.

Technical support - Future Media