Our team


Georgi - design and development
Milena - translation and editing
Svetlana - translation and editing
Nikolai - photos and video

Mrs. Nelly Vicheva - a coach of biology
Mrs. Ekaterina Meshkova - a coach of IT
The Team
Watch a video clip - 270 KB
We thank our friends for the support:

Zornitza - our photo model, in the beautiful picture on the main page

Iskren and Aleksei - for being actors in the comics

Victor - for the help in composing the amazing soundtrack for the website and the presentation

Special thanks to Liubomir - for the cartoons, created by him

The members of the team spent very pleasant and exciting moments working together on the plot of the comics and shooting the photo and video material for the site where they played the role of actors. This project has been a good experience for us because we learned how to work effecti-vely together and to explore areas we would never have a chance to explore anywhere else.


EUROPE - Varna, Bulgaria
Coach e-mai: drugs_elearn@yahoo.com

High school of commerce "G. S. Rakovski", Varna

You can download the website and the presentation free for using and redistributing, if you do not use it for commercial purposes. The copy of some elements is allowed only if you cite the address and the authors of our site.




Website (9 MB)

Presentation (14 MB)

The site "Drugs e-Learning" has won:

  • 2005 - Bulgaria, Sofia University - National IT Olimpiad - FIRST place for web sites.
  • 2005 - USA - website competition "Think Quest" - published in the largest library for educational resources.
  • 2005 - European competition " e-Learning Awards" - pubished in top 100 and European school network.



The Multimedia Presentation "Drugs" has won the following prizes:

  • 2005 - Bulgaria, Sofia - International competition "Computer Space" - III place
  • 2004 - Turkey, Istanbul - International competition "MEF - 13th Research projects"
  • 2003 - Bulgaria, Smolian - National competition "The challenges of XXI century" - II place
  • 2003 - Bulgaria, Shoumen University - National IT contest "John Atanasov" - II place
  • 2003 - Germany, Munich - European competition "Siemens Join Multimedia" - III place


All rights reserverd by the Drugs e-Learning Team

All drawings, animations, photos (exc. the photos in the Gallery), video clips and the music are created, edited and composed by the authors of the Drugs e-Learning site. Up-to-date information was selected from many sources (books, web sites, interviews, etc.), analyzed and edited by the team of students and teachers. You can download the website and presentation, to use or redistribute them, without commercial purpouses, quoting the autors. Graphical elements from the website can be used with the agreement of the autors.

Technical support - Future Media